Archive for September, 2010

Drink and Draw Social Club LA – First Time

Sep 21, 2010

After about a year spent in Los Angeles, I finally happened across the “Drink and Draw Social Club”. It’s a group of, apparently, like minded individuals like myself that are fans of drinking and drawing. Started by a handful of extremely talented and superior individuals like Dave Johnson, Dan Panosian, and Jeff Johnson. The group … More …


Sep 17, 2010

I can’t stop being creative. At any given moment, I have twenty to thirty, maybe forty ideas floating around in my head. Animated sitcoms. Live-action sitcoms. Films. Independent films. Comic books. Comic strips. Web sites. Apps. More animated sitcoms. Action cartoons. More action cartoons. Short films. Animated short films. Comedies. Oh, the comedies. It doesn’t … More …

Please hold…

Sep 16, 2010

… while I finish the migration to my new blog!

Andy Wilkinson is a designer, illustrator, and an animator. This is his project blog, and he is me.